
Tuesday 29 December 2009

New year planning!

Its that time of the year again,folks,... when from God-knows-where, i start getting really chic ideas for a new year bash! but that is that. No further! I ONLY plan! Not that I am a great planner and my friends consider me for the same....
reality check: I AM NOT ALLOWED TO PARTY!!!!
But this time around,,, i guess since i was "young and sweet... only seventeen :P (stop singing every now and then Niyati)" my parents did let me have a small new year bash!
so i got to do what i do at superlative- PLANNING!
its all planned now... i know i am really fast at that!
Dinner with friends and boyfriend dear and then a sleepover at a friend's...!!
TIME TO BE SUPER EXCITED! and hell yea, i was!!!

i guess i flew a litle higher than needed...!
cus seriously, the castle i was building in the air came crashing down:-

1) Cant have a sleepover b'cos the friend is REALLY VERY VERY BUSY ON THAT DAY (lucky her :(.....!!)
1st pillar of the air castle came crashing down!

2) Parents being outta town, I am therefore being FORCED to stay at an aunt's...
2nd pillar came crashing on this one!

3) There might not even be any dinner! *frown* :X
3rd pillar falls down!

4) My boyfriend dear flies to Rajasthan just a couple of days before New year only to return back in the 1st week of January!
A couple of pillars collapse on this one!!

SO again, here i am... doing what i do the best... PLANNING!
Planning what to do so that i do not die of boredom on New Years!!!!
Till then,
signing of with a little...make that A LOT OF whining...


Friday 25 December 2009

Nothing Really... Like Genuinely!

i dont know whether the world has become a boring place that there is a dearth of things to write about or have i just become creatively handicapped!
Like all my theories are going for a toss-
take for example the theory which states the desire to blog is inversely proportional to the number of days to an exam!
oh but this post isnt about that!
this one's because
'cos i am so HOOKED!....!!!
the game is a legend...!!
but this post is not about that either....!!
my blog has become a i-whine-about-my-life-come-listen type of blog.
sort of sad!
but am not a loser like some out there who have just RANDOMLY STOPPED blogging 'cos they have no ideas.
come on!
but this post aint about that also!
it's about how i have prelims...(followed by boards) and clat and am blogging
shoot, am going to fail at my college prelims
(which, by the way, believes all its students have super natural minds and can multi-task so magically that they can easyli and wonderfully complete the syllabus of a whole year in 3 months!!)
oh and ya,
if any of you have ideas on what i can blog about, please tell me.
'cos i will blog about it.
and then you can bask in my awesome-ness!
till then,
signing off for a long time.....,,,

Wednesday 23 December 2009

good ol' 2009!


i remember at the end of 2008 I had said 2008 was eventful and lets hope the same for 2009.... !! well, that statement took a toll on me! how i wish i could just go back in time and munch those words that i'd spat out! By dec 25,2008, i was eagerly waiting for 2009 'cos i believed it was going to be MY year.... blah! The year backfired on me very much since Jaunary-

1) there are parents, who are cut out and made to make you believe you're living in hell.(jan thru dec)

2) there is your long term boyfriend, whom you are dating since 4 years and suddenly you find out he's cheating on you!(jan-feb)

3) your family f**ks the hell out of you just so you could score well in an exam coming in the FOLLOWING year!(jan thru dec)

4) FORGIVING your boyfriend for everything and taking him back as if nothing ever really happened.(march)

5) Just when you start feeling the guy has changed and that you're having the time of your life, you have to leave everything and go to the U.S.A. ON VACATION!!!! (ya... i needed it!) (may)

6) life's boring when you know you have to study but you just can't 'cos you have more important things like "fighting with your parents(eternal!)", "fighting with your boyfriend", "logging on facebook EVERYDAY just to check your farm on farmville(which is a 2min break turned out to be a 2 hours break) (june, july,august)

7)you plan a surprise for your boyfriend's 18th b'day and your parents are here planning MARRIAGE surprise for you.... Reality check- i am only 17!!!!! :X hhmmmppphhhh....!!!!(August thru sept')

8) so you and your boyfriend part ways, and then you are depressed, you can't eat or sleep, let alone study! you're hospitalized due to mild panic attacks that you keep getting 'cos of crying endlessly! (september, october)

9) you get back with your boyfriend, just 'cos you realised you cannot live without him and that you are way too much... (read: way tooooooooooooooooooooo much) attached to him... and that is when your friends' relationships screw up and you have to play the role of a relationship counsellor everyday till 3am!!!!(P.S.: studying,,,,??? that is long forgotten about!) (november,december)

10) ............ And the year ends! (p.s.: your parents are still out loose to rack your brains!)

and studying is still not on the list...!!


it was quite eventful... with no positive( or for that matter any kind of) energy left in me!!

I'll write back soon.

Niyati S.

Aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhh! :X

I'm quite snappy and unreasonable nowadays.
Maybe it's just the sibling back in town thing.
Maybe it's just that i don't like too many things happening around me nowadays.
And you know those people, who erupt like they're Mt. Fuji or something when they're prodded in the wrong way and then scream and shout and make life miserable? Those people who are the most annoying, pissing off human beings who you begin hating just because they behaved like that?
Ya- I'm one of them.
If you don't want to see that side of me, Don't-
1) Not remember to silence your phone in a movie theatre.
2) Give me torn currency notes which are absolutely impossible to get rid of.
3) Talk in a library.
4) Text someone in the same room very obviously
5) Cancel on me after giving me your word.
6) Hang up on me abruptly.
7) Turn on a light in a dark room without warning, ensuring the victim's pupils are totally dilated.
8) Walk on the back of my shoes or stepping on my feet with your dirty chappals.
9) Tell me "Nobody can hurt you unless you let them" when my best friend or boyfriend has just hurt me and i want to whine.

10) Ask me the time by tapping your watchless wrist. Don't you have a mouth?!
11) Dog ear pages instead of using bookmarks
12) Say you support Manchester United only because you don't watch football and have no idea about anything else in English football.
13) Throw things on the street and then say "Our city is a garbage dump anyway"
14) Shake your feet and with it the desk while sitting in class or writing an exam.
15) Say something to me. If i miss it and ask you to repeat say "never mind". Come on. That's ridiculously annoying.
16) Get dirty songs stuck in my head.
17) Reek of perfume. You won't stink if you have a normal shower and use regular amounts.

Dear God (Open Letter)

Dear God,
I dropped by yesterday,
At your place.
Very pretty by the way.
Gives off very positive vibes.
Was wondering if it was feng shui.

Well so, since you weren’t there and I was waiting,
I decided to look around for a bit.

I came across a shelf and there was a drawer wide open.
It was full of books.
All with a person’s name engraved in gold on the cover. I saw my own and naturally picked it out.

I flipped open to the first page and I started reading. It was the story of my entire life. Every moment was recorded. All the good things I had done were written in gold and the bad things were in black. I kept reading, thinking that you’d have written my life out for me. I jumped to 23 december 2009 and then turned to the next page hoping to read my future. But it was blank. I wondered if I was dying but I knew I wouldn’t. so I turned one more page. It said- “In the future, fuck around with her life a little more. I enjoy watching her upset”.
Now I know you don’t like me.
Thanks. But try being a little nice because I still love you.

If It Were Utopia and i could do what i want....!

so many things to do, so little time.

so many things i want to do, so many freaking social obligations!!
1) you're a girl
2) you're an indian girl
but the final one is the royal screw up
3)you're a gujarati indian girl

so under these circumstances you have two options-

1) pick up a hot shot career
2) pick up a rich gujarati boy for marriage

it's still the dark ages. *sulk*
but this post isn't for that. it's for a list if things i'd like to be if i could have my way-

a) alibrarian
i've always wanted to be one. i love the feeling of books all around me. i could pick one up anytime and read all i like. if i'm rich and famous one day, maybe i'll open one.

b) a children's book editor!
imagine all those fairies and elves...! those magic shoes and the damsel in distress! i'd kill for it!

c) a stylist
shopping for yourself is already so great. shopping for others as a job. are you kiding me? it won't even feel like i'm working

d) a gossip columnist
that job is tailored for me. it is. there shall be no further questions.

i can't come up with any more. so may be later..
As of now,

happy new yr to all and sundry!